Tuesday 10 February 2015

Revolution of our mind

Dont just live because you exist nor exist just because you live, but live to create tremendous impact wherever you find yourself. Martin Luther said " If you dont have anything worth dying for, you are not worth living".
My little study about the concept of life tells me that the mind is the most powerful gift to man by God. Depending on how you use it, you can control your world or destroy it. Our mindset shapes the way we behave, react to situations, and even the way we walk. It has the predominant control over our 5 sense organs. Show me a great mind, and I will show you a great man. The level we get to in life depends on the limit we place on what we can achieve. Nobody would have believed it 2000 years ago that heavy metals and irons could float on air or water. No other person would have agreed to the idea of moving into space, and exploring the outside world. It must have sounded ridiculous in the first place. It must have sounded very crazy to believe that one could speak to his loved ones over a million miles away. But what do we see today, innovations upon innovations. The world of Artificial intelligence is beginning to make the world believe that Robots of the next generation would have every human trait. All these are great minds that refused to be limited by whatsover.
You might be asking, what at all am I driving at. Africa would remain where it is over the next 1000 years if we do not change our mindset.
We should start teaching our children in schools, churches, mosques and other social gatherings about the need to be impactful. We must inculcate in these children the "can do spirit". We should stop telling our children that Africa has no hope. Instead, every parent should assure his children that they are the future leaders of their generation.
We must develop the passion for change. We must arouse within us the driving force to innovation and inventions. Yes we are far behind, but we have the capacity to come back. It is seemingly impossible, but it is very very realistic. Hit your chest and say, the future of Africa lies in my hands, I promise never yo fail God nor my generation.
The black man is most gifted! Arise Africa

Wednesday 15 October 2014


"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven", wise king Solomon said. I have a believe that time and space plays the very most significant role in the history of humanity. Likewise, time and space have deeper and hidden influence to every occurrence that happens under the surface of the earth. Everything happens according to how it has been programmed. In other words, if  Peter becomes rich tomorrow, it is because the time for Peter to become rich is tomorrow.

Quite unfortunately, despite the fact that time and space are designed to bring forth occurrences, it is never automatic. The person or group in question must need work it out. This is to say that, Peter though destined to be rich tomorrow may miss it out if he has his two hands in between his thighs when he should be working on becoming rich. The greatest tragedy of a society longing for success is to see a talent die unutilised or untapped (John Okorie).

May I just swerve in this.. A very good friend of mine by name David Sannor died on the 11th of August 2014, and I received the news the next day while I was at the GSA summit. When I received the message, I had a serious shock as goose bumps swiftly covered my skin. I could not believe my eyes, as tears flowed down my cheek. I felt a deeper pain towards evening, not purposely because he was dead but because he was a young growing star full of talents and gigantic vision. I taught he was the type of people Africa needed.

Ok that's by the way! What exactly am I trying to put across. I see so many talents and great men and women of positive revolutionary and generational change agents in Africa and you are the first on the list. Many has come and are gone without fulfilling one-tenth of their purpose of existence. Invariably, we tend to lose timbers and calibers who has not gone any long way to maximising their potentials

I keep asking myself what exactly is the reason behind Africa's setback. Whoops! I'm becoming emotionally attached to my write-up. Africa has gotten a very appalling stigma. A very dirty identity of poverty, wretchedness, wide outspread of diseases, hunger, famine, just to mention but a few.
The name Africa sends a signal of low standard of living, mentally derailed set of people, low thinking capability and a whole lot. Africa has become a second class of human being. I feel so much pain in my heart for Africa. How long shall we fold our hands and allow things go wrong. Never in my life have I been a failure. I get it in that I am among the so called second class set of human being. I must make a positive change in my generation. We have to unanimously work relentlessly to see a fulfilled generation for Africa

I don't only believe the time for Africa is now, I am very certain about. Would you also walk by the journey of life without living any tremendous mark behind as your predecessors did. Heh come on, rise up now and do something! The value of a man is not measured by how much he has, but how much he can give. Africa has everything it takes to be the greatest continent. Remember that though the time for Africa has come according to predestinated plans of God, the ball still lies in our court as to whether allow it happen or to let it slip off our hands.

It's high time we sat up and do the incredible. The world is looking up to us. As a matter of fact, other continents have it sensed in their marrows that the time for Africa has come.
May I say this, though I don't the number of people that will agree with me. According to the time and space of life, IN NO DISTANT TIME AFRICA IS WILL RISE ABOVE HER CONTEMPORARIES. But once more, this will keep delaying if we do not hold the bull by the horn and make the change we need now. IT'S TIME AFRICA!!

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Good morning Africa

Its a great day today, the fact that I resume my full responsibility and allegiance to Africa.
My name you already know and can equally guess from it were i'm from, but bet me, its more complicated than you can imagine. I am an African and I have passion for the success of Africa.
There is time and season for everything under the surface of the earth said the wise king Solomon.
I'm a christian and the Bible taught me that everything happens for a reason, "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are the called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28.
 I grew up to realise from my primary school teacher that there are six continents of the world, Antarctica I came to discover at the latter part of my academic ladder. I was eager to know why the demarcation, and the kind of people in the other part of the world. TVs and other communication channels made me understand that the other people were fair in complexion while we were dark. "Who gave out the different names to the continents", I asked curiously. 
As ages elapsed, I discovered that Africa is the poorest and the weakest of all the six continents. " heh, why Africa?" I asked bitterly. Curiosity grasped my heart, and I had to make researches, and read books to know the origin of Africa. My secondary school teachers, coupled with the books I read, gave me a hint that Africa happened to be the richest of all the continents, endowed with so many natural resources." Excuse me sir, with all due respect, are you trying to tell me we have all these and yet lacking behind?"
My teachers gave several reasons why this blessed continent was no where to be found in with regards to economic development and their like; colonial era, mismanagement, greediness, among others. They so much emphasized on the colonial era being the cause of Africa's setback. " If colonial era was the reason for our setback, how then is it that we still haven't made much progress after then. Africa is the cause of their own problem" I concluded.
Just to say good morning, will give you more details. just follow up with me on google+. I believe it's time for Africa, and that time is now.
Good morning Africa